Ancestral Roots of a Lemko Village

landscape sepia

Art by Nikifor Krinicki

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Welcome to the Dudynce Diaries: Ancestral Roots of a Lemko Village, an anthology of clan culture.
It includes memories, myths, and legends of a forgotten land, Lemkivschyna, highlighting the Lemko clans in Dudynce, particularly the Szajniak-Masczuszak-Kotlar families connecting to present-day Shayniak, Masczuszak, Kotlar, and Bozovich descendants. This site is a work-in-progress inviting audience participation. It takes a community to recreate a village. It takes a village to make a community. It takes patience, perseverance, and commitment to keep it.

What makes Lemkos different—apart from their unique dialect and linguistic patterns—is their fierce love of family and the land in the mountainous borderlands between present-day Poland and Ukraine – Lemkivschyna.

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